14 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
When you’re 14 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing rapidly and your body is changing to accommodate this new life. Here are some common symptoms you might experience at this stage of pregnancy:
Increased Energy
Many women feel a surge in energy levels during their second trimester. This is often a welcome change after the fatigue experienced in the first trimester. For instance, Mary, a 32-year-old mother, found that she was able to resume her regular activities without feeling exhausted at 14 weeks.
Changes in Skin
Some women may notice changes in their skin around this time. This can include darkening of the skin on the face, also known as the “mask of pregnancy.” Also, the increased blood flow might cause a warm, flushed appearance.
Growing Belly and Breasts
By 14 weeks, your baby is the size of a lemon and your belly may start to show. Additionally, your breasts may continue to grow in preparation for breastfeeding. For example, Jane, a first-time mother, had to buy new bras to accommodate her growing breasts at this stage.
Round Ligament Pain
Some women experience round ligament pain as the uterus grows and the ligaments stretch. This might feel like a sharp, jabbing pain or a dull ache on one or both sides of the lower abdomen.
Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and not all women will experience all these symptoms. If you have any concerns, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider.
Free Consultation with Dr. Vijaya
Dr. Vijaya, a highly experienced Gynacologist, is offering free consultations to all pregnant women. She can provide expert advice and guidance tailored to your unique pregnancy journey. To book an appointment, please reach her on the contact number: 07941057551.