1st Week Pregnancy Symptoms

1st Week Pregnancy Symptoms

1st Week Pregnancy Symptoms: What to Expect

The first week of pregnancy is usually symptom-free as it is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period. However, some women may experience subtle changes in their bodies.

Missed Period

A common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. This is often the first indication for many women that they may be pregnant. For example, if your cycle is regularly 28 days but you haven’t menstruated for 35 days, it might be a sign of early pregnancy.

Spotting and Cramping

Some women experience mild spotting and cramping, often mistaken for a light period. This is known as implantation bleeding, which occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining.

Breast Changes

Another early symptom can be changes in the breasts. They may become tender, swollen or feel heavier. Some women notice that the area around the nipples, known as the areola, darkens.

Morning Sickness

Although it’s more common from the 6th week onwards, some women can experience morning sickness earlier. This can include nausea or even vomiting, and it can occur at any time of the day or night.

Tiredness and Fatigue

Increased levels of the hormone progesterone can make you feel unusually tired or fatigued. This may also be accompanied by a heightened sense of smell and food aversions or cravings.

Free Consultation with Dr Vijaya

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms and think you might be pregnant, it’s important to get a professional opinion. Dr Vijaya, a highly reputable Gynaecologist, is offering free consultations to all pregnant women. You can reach her on 07941057551 to book your appointment. Dr Vijaya will guide you through the initial stages of pregnancy and answer any concerns you may have.

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