8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

At 8 weeks into your pregnancy, you might experience a variety of symptoms as your body adjusts to the growing life inside you. Here are some common symptoms that many women experience during this period.


Fatigue is common as your body works harder to support the pregnancy. This might feel similar to the exhaustion you feel when you’re ill or haven’t had enough sleep. For instance, you might find yourself needing to rest more often or feeling worn out after routine tasks.

Morning Sickness

Many women experience nausea or vomiting, often called morning sickness, during early pregnancy. This can feel similar to having a stomach bug or hangover. You might feel queasy when you wake up, or you may be sick after certain foods or smells.

Breast Changes

Your breasts may become tender, swollen, or feel heavier than usual, similar to how they might feel before your period. Additionally, the areolas around your nipples might darken.

Frequent Urination

You might find yourself needing to urinate more often, as your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder. This symptom can feel similar to a urinary tract infection, but without the pain or burning during urination.

Mood Swings

Due to hormonal changes, you might have mood swings. You could find yourself feeling happy one moment and crying the next, similar to the mood changes some women experience before their period.

Please note that not every woman experiences all of these symptoms, and some might experience other symptoms. If you’re concerned about any symptoms, it’s important to seek medical advice.

Contact Dr Vijaya for a Free Consultation

If you’re pregnant and have questions or concerns, Dr Vijaya, an experienced gynaecologist, is offering free consultations. You can reach her on 07941057551 to book your appointment.

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