3rd Trimester of Pregnancy

3rd Trimester of Pregnancy

3rd Trimester of Pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy starts from week 28 to the birth of the baby, which typically occurs around week 40. It is a crucial phase where the baby grows rapidly, gaining weight and developing organs. It is also an important time for expectant mothers to maintain a healthy lifestyle and prepare for childbirth.

Real Life Example

Take the example of Sarah, a first-time mother-to-be. During her third trimester, she experienced significant changes. Her belly grew larger, and she felt her baby move more frequently. She also experienced symptoms like backache, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, and more frequent urination. Despite these discomforts, Sarah was filled with anticipation and took this time to prepare for the baby’s arrival by attending childbirth classes, preparing the nursery, and packing a bag for the hospital.


In the third trimester, the baby continues to grow, developing more fat stores and fully forming its organs for life outside the womb. Women might experience several physical changes and symptoms during this time, such as weight gain, swelling in the ankles and fingers, heartburn, and trouble sleeping. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are crucial during this period to monitor the baby’s development and the mother’s health.

Free Consultation with Dr. Vijaya

If you’re pregnant and need advice or have questions, Dr. Vijaya, a renowned gynecologist, offers free consultations. With years of experience and a wealth of knowledge, she can provide insightful advice and answers to all your pregnancy-related queries. To book an appointment, call on 07941057551.

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