Fetal Development by Week

Fetal Development by Week

Fetal Development by Week: A Detailed Guide

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, filled with excitement and anticipation. One of the most fascinating aspects is the fetal development, which occurs week by week. In this guide, we will take you through the development of a baby from conception to birth.

Week 1-2

The journey starts with fertilization. The sperm fertilizes the egg, forming a single cell called a zygote. This marks the beginning of the baby’s genetic makeup, including gender, hair and eye color, and more.

Week 3-4

The zygote travels down the fallopian tube and implants in the uterus, where it grows into an embryo and forms the amniotic sac and placenta.

Week 5-8

The embryo’s heart starts to beat. The neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, begins to form. The baby’s facial features also start to develop.

Week 9-12

The baby is now officially a fetus. Major organs have formed, the baby can move, and the sex can be identified. The baby’s fingers and toes are also visible.

Week 13-16

The baby can now make facial expressions. The skin is transparent, and the baby begins to look more human.

Week 17-20

The baby can now hear, and is more active. Hair starts to grow, and the baby can suck his or her thumb.

Week 21-24

The baby is now fully formed, and can feel pain. The baby’s movements are strong enough to be felt by the mother.

Week 25-28

The baby’s eyes are open and he or she can blink. The baby can also recognize the mother’s voice.

Week 29-32

The baby gains more weight and the brain develops rapidly. The bones are fully developed but still soft.

Week 33-36

The baby’s skin becomes thicker and less transparent. The baby starts to turn head down for birth.

Week 37-40

The baby is considered full term. The organs are ready to function on their own. The baby is ready for birth.

Every baby’s development is unique and this guide is a general roadmap. For specific concerns or questions, it’s always best to consult a professional.

Free Consultation with Dr. Vijaya

If you are pregnant and need professional guidance, Dr. Vijaya, a renowned Gynacologist, is offering free consultations. You can reach her on the contact number: 07941057551 to book an appointment.

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